pool pump, pool vacuum, why isn't my pool cleaner moving

Why Isn’t My Pool Cleaner Moving?

Keeping a pool clean is one of the primary focuses of pool owners — especially during summer. But if you’re asking, “Why isn’t my pool cleaner moving,” it’s important to try and find the solution as soon as possible. This guide will help you identify the issues and troubleshoot them to get your gear back into working order. 

What is an automatic pool cleaner?

Automatic pool cleaners are automated filtration systems that are set on a standard timer or recurring schedule to help keep the pool clean. These systems are designed in a way that requires little to no manual intervention to keep your water looking clean and clear. 

How do automatic pool cleaners work?

An automated pool cleaning system works by utilizing suction or another form of built-in mechanics to remove unwanted debris. How your pool cleaner works to do this will depend on the type of system you have.

Types of pool cleaners

For most pools, there are three types of automatic pool cleaning options available to choose from. The first and most common type is the suction cleaner. Suction cleaners operate by using the pool’s suction line to collect and dispose of debris by transporting it to the pool’s filter bag.

You also have robotic pool cleaners that operate as self-contained units. These systems have inbuilt motors and operate independently of the pool’s pump system. Lastly, pressure cleaners make the most out of water pressure to propel debris into a dedicated filter bag. 

Why isn’t my pool cleaner working?

Discovering why your pool cleaner isn’t working can usually be done in a matter of minutes. There are a few common issues that could result in the temporary suspension of your pool equipment. Below we’ve outlined what those common issues are, and how to remedy them: 

Common problems with robotic pool cleaners

Robotic cleaners usually have a few separate issues that could be causing the equipment to malfunction. When looking over the cleaner, be sure to check the power supply and the filters first. A lack of power or blocked filters tends to be the most frequently occurring issue. In addition, the motor or navigational system can become faulty. It is important to look these over or call in a professional to help identify the problem. 

Common problems with suction cleaners

Before picking apart your suction pool cleaner, be sure that the hose or skimmer basket is not clogged. If there is limited suction, this may be the issue. Otherwise, suction cleaners can develop air leaks or even malfunction due to worn-out parts. Always be sure to check the brushes, flaps, and air hose to get to the bottom of your issue. 

Common problems with pressure cleaners

Similar to suction cleaners, pressure cleaners can encounter insufficient water pressure, as well as clogged filter bags. Start by looking over the hose, nozzles, and filter to jumpstart the problem-solving process.

Pool cleaner repairs vs replacement

Once you’ve pinpointed the issue to the question, “why isn’t my pool cleaner moving,” how do you decide if this is something you should repair or replace? Below we cover when you might need pool cleaner repairs vs replacement: 

When to repair vs replace

Choosing to repair or replace can depend on the severity of the issue, as well as the cost of fixing it. For minor issues like clogs and worn parts, repairing is usually the best solution. For more severe damage or frequently occurring and complex issues, consider replacing the entire pool cleaning system. 

Maintain your pool cleaner

Thankfully, keeping the frequency of maintenance repairs and their associated cost down is simple with regular maintenance. Be sure to clean filters, bags, and nozzles to avoid a buildup of debris. Additionally, observe your pool cleaner for wear and tear to keep the equipment running as intended.

Troubleshoot your pool cleaner with GPS Pools

If you’re experiencing persistent issues with your pool cleaner, it may be time to seek professional help. GPS Pools offers expert pool cleaner troubleshooting and pool cleaner maintenance services to get your system back in working order. Contact us today for assistance and keep your pool sparkling clean.