Pool at night, how to fix your pH overnight

How To Fix Your pH Balance Overnight

One of the most critical aspects of pool maintenance is managing the pH levels. An imbalanced pH can lead to a number of problems, including skin irritation, cloudy water, and damaged equipment. In this article, we’ll explore the causes of high and low pH and how to fix your pH overnight.

Causes of high pH in your pool

The first step in balancing your pool’s pH quickly is to understand what’s causing the high levels to occur. There are several common factors that can contribute to the problem, including: 

Alkaline products

Using certain maintenance products such as chlorine stabilizers or algicides can inadvertently raise the pH level of your water. These products contain high levels of alkaline substances and, as a result, can build up and affect your water’s chemistry.  

Loss of carbon dioxide

The loss of carbon dioxide in pools and fountains occurs through a process called outgassing. This happens when the water is agitated — such as with swimming. This loss of carbon dioxide can then contribute to higher pH levels in the pool.

Mineral-rich water

Adding hard water can also play a role in increasing the pH balance of the pool. This is because hard water naturally contains minerals like calcium and iron. Not only do these minerals affect alkalinity, they can create scaling on surfaces and wear down your pool equipment.  

Temperature changes

Did you know that heat also affects the chemical composition of your pool water? Heat can accelerate chemical reactions which, in turn, causes water chemistry to fluctuate. 

Causes of low pH in your pool

Similar to high pH levels, low pH levels can also affect your pool system negatively. Here’s what to watch for when your pool water shows low pH levels:  


While rainwater may seem harmless, the truth is that it can unexpectedly increase the acidity of your pool water. Significant changes can occur in places that are accustomed to periods of acid rain. Acidic pool water will eventually corrode metal pool equipment and even irritate the skin of anyone swimming. Always be sure to use a test kit following a period of rain to ensure your pool is safe to swim in. 

Pollen, leaves, and other debris

When pollen, leaves, and other organic material gets in your pool, it will eventually begin to decompose and affect the pH of the water. To avoid algae in your pool and cloudy water, skim your pool regularly, especially during seasons when leaf litter and pollen are highest. 


Similar to decomposing organic material, bacteria can also cause lower pH levels. As bacteria begins to multiply, the waste it excretes is heavily acidic and will significantly impact your water chemistry.   

How to fix your pH balance overnight when it’s too low

Are your pH levels too low? If you test your water and find that you need to adjust your chemical levels, it’s best to act fast. Below are some approaches for how to raise your pool pH quickly and effectively: 

Add baking soda

Sodium bicarbonate — aka baking soda — is common in many households, and it’s a sure-fire way to fix your pH overnight. To use this method, first test your pool water to gauge what amount needs to be added. Then, measure out 1.5 pounds of baking soda per 10,000 gallons of water. This can raise the alkalinity by 10 parts per million. 

Add soda ash

While it’s not as common as baking soda, soda ash (sodium carbonate) is much more potent. For every 10,000 gallons of water, adding 6 ounces of soda ash will increase the pH of your swimming pool by 0.2 units. If you go this route, mix the soda ash inside a plastic bucket first and then distribute it evenly. 

Use alkaline products

For an even quicker fix, you can find commercial alkaline-increaser products to add to your swimming pool that will rapidly adjust the alkalinity. Simply follow the recommended directions and distribute evenly. 

Use water aeration

Do you have water fountains or jets in your pool or hot tub? You can also adjust pH levels by increasing the aeration. More oxygen can naturally increase pH levels without affecting alkalinity. 

How to fix your pH balance overnight when it’s too high

Is the pH level too high? Here’s how you can quickly lower your pool’s pH:

Add a pH reducer

If you have access to a pool store, you can find commercial pH reducers (like sodium bisulfate) that are both safe and effective to balance out your pool water. For best results, consider using this as your go-to solution and follow the instructions based on the volume of your pool.

Pool at night, how to fix your pH overnight

Use muriatic acid

Muriatic acid, or hydrochloric acid, is a powerful and effective chemical for quickly lowering pH and total alkalinity levels. It is important to note, however, that this chemical is incredibly corrosive and should be handled with care to ensure your safety.

Keep your pool covered

And, of course, the best way to help care for your pool is to keep it covered! If you’re not planning to use the pool for a period of time (such as during winter), consider purchasing a sturdy pool cover to protect the water from outside debris. 

Fix your pH balance overnight with GPS Pools!

For more expert assistance and industry tips and tricks, get in touch with the pros at GPS Pool Store! GPS Pools offers comprehensive pool maintenance services tailored to your specific needs. Our team of professionals is equipped with the expertise and supplies you need to keep your pool crystal clear and perfectly balanced all year-round.