Image of green pool water.

Green Pool Water: Causes and How To Fix It

Noticing you have green pool water can be alarming, especially when you’re looking forward to a relaxing swim. Understanding the root cause of green pool water is crucial for keeping your pool safe and enjoyable. In today’s post we’ll explore the reasons behind green pool water and offer solutions to restore your pool to its crystal-clear state.

Why do I have green pool water?

There are a few reasons why pool water turns into a green, murky mess. Below are some of the prime culprits to consider when addressing your water quality:

Overgrowth of algae

In most cases, algae is the biggest culprit of green water. Algae thrives in warm conditions with plenty of sunlight, resulting in rapid blooms if not addressed quickly. As the algae grows, it coats the water and pool surface in a thick, green slime, leaving your pool in less than desirable swimming conditions. 

Organic materials

In the event that organic material such as grass, twigs, or leaves fall into the pool and remain there, the accumulated materials can provide the perfect breeding ground for both bacteria and algae. As these materials begin to break down, nutrients from the plant life are released and result in a greenish tint to the water. To minimize this, keep the pool clean from any debris with regular skimming and vacuuming. You might also consider using a pool cover. 

Low chlorine levels

When it comes to pool maintenance, ensuring that the pool’s chlorine levels are adequate can go a long way in keeping your water crystal clear. Low chlorine levels means more algae, bacteria, and an increased presence of microorganisms. To prevent this issue, regularly test your water and ensure that the chlorine levels are maintained and add the right amount of chlorine if necessary. 

High alkalinity

If your pool water has high levels of alkalinity, then there’s an issue with the pool’s pH balance. The pH level in your pool water has an impact on how effective your chlorine is. In high pH environments, chlorine isn’t very effective.

When the chemical composition of chlorine in a pool is compromised, you’ll notice green pool water and possibly even cloudy water. Combat this by lowering the alkalinity in your pool.

Poor water circulation

If the pool’s pump fails to circulate water properly, the pool will inevitably turn green. This is because the necessary cleaning agents and water conditioners will not be able to reach the totality of the pool, leaving areas unprotected against contaminates. 

High levels of phosphate

Phosphates are the nutrients that algae feed on. High levels of phosphates occur when rain water, plant material, or even fertilizers find their way into your swimming pool. If you leave these untreated, cloudy, green water is sure to tint your clean pool. 

Filter isn’t working or running enough

The pool’s filter is one of the most important components in keeping water clean and crystal clear. In the event that the filter is clogged and no longer works properly, debris and other contaminants can begin to build up, turning the water murky and green. 

What causes green pool water that’s cloudy?


When swimming in a pool, hot tub, or spa, the water should be crystal clear and free of most obvious contaminates. Sometimes that’s not the case. If you’re wondering why you have cloudy pool water that’s also turning green, let’s look into the most common reasons below:

Algae buildup

Image of green pool water.

Green pool water is usually a strong indicator that there is algae growing and building up within your pool. This buildup can be a direct result of a faulty pool pump, a struggling filtration system, or an imbalance in your water chemistry.

In order to get rid of algae in your pool, begin by shocking the pool (large quantities of hypochlorite), use a hard bristle brush to scrub buildup, and allow the filtration system to restore water clarity. 

Issues with the pool pump

If there’s gray, cloudy water, chances are the pool pump isn’t working long enough, or isn’t circulating water throughout the pool. Be sure to check on your system and verify that it’s running as intended. 

Issues with the filtration system

In the event the filter is clogged, algae and debris will remain in the pool, sullying the clarity of your swimming water. Be sure to remove any obstructions and clean your pool filter so it’s more effective at removing contaminants. 

What causes green pool water that’s still clear?

Have you noticed that your water looks relatively clear, but still has a green tint to it? While less common, these types of buildup do happen and can be present for more than one reason, including:

Buildup of pollen or chlorine-resistant algae

The most likely instance is a buildup of pollen within the pool, but chlorine-resistant algae can also be a culprit. It’s important to keep an eye on this type of change and address it as soon as possible. Using a clarifier may help expedite the treatment of your pool’s water. 

The pH level is too high

When a pool’s pH level is too high, the effectiveness of chlorine is substantially diminished and calcium can begin to build up. Be sure to regularly test and balance your water’s pH levels to avoid less than desirable water conditions. 

Get rid of green pool water with the pros at GPS Pools!

Are you struggling with green pool water or hope to prevent it from happening? The experts at GPS Pools are here to help with all your pool care and maintenance needs. With professional pool products and services, you can enjoy crystal-clear water all season long.